Food and Drink:
Casino Information:
Nearby Attractions:
FARGO Lodging - Mohegan Sun
Hotel Information:

Hotel Rates:
Earth Tower is the new hotel that opened in November 2016.
Thursday: $199
Friday: $299
Saturday: $339
Sunday: $199
Monday: $199
Deposit: Upon booking guest will have to provide CC; however, will not be pre-charged.
Book By Date: 10/3/24
- Anything after this date will be subject to availability, unless extended.
To book a room at the FARGO rates shown above, please click here.
Please login using your Momentum Card before booking with the FARGO Room Rate or call the casino and have them check your room rate, as several people have gotten a better rate on the rooms than the FARGO Room rate.
Here is my standard room information -
If you are thinking of attending FARGO, please book a room now. It is far easier to cancel the room than find a room once the block closes. I do not yet know when the block closes, and I will let you know as soon as I do. If you book a room and do not register for FARGO, your room will be canceled. If you are booking a room in Uncle George's name because he's a r00ler but he's not registered for FARGO, please let me know, so I do not cancel the room. If you can get a better rate as a regular player, please do so. The block is limited in the number of rooms available. If the block gets full, I can ask nicely for additional rooms, but I cannot guarantee that rooms will be added.